Jock Itch Treatment | Antifungal Guide Australia

Jock Itch


Mostly affecting males, Jock Itch (tinea cruris) is a fungal skin infection of the groin, inner thighs and buttocks.1

The ‘jock’ in Jock Itch comes from the North American slang term for a male athlete, because the condition is common in athletes or people who tend to sweat a lot. It can also affect overweight people.1

Although Jock Itch can be very annoying, it’s usually mild. It should be treated promptly, however, because it can spread to other parts of the body.1

1. The Mayo Clinic.Jock Itch [Internet].2016 [updated 2016 Jul 26; cited 2017 Mar 8]. Available from:


Please consult a health professional for advice on the diagnosis and management of Jock Itch.

Jock Itch usually begins at the crease between the groin and inner thigh. It starts with redness and itchiness, and often spreads in a half-moon shape to the upper thigh. Sometimes there is a line of tiny, raised blisters around the outer edge of the rash.1

See the chart below for some more possible symptoms.

Inflamed Symptoms

If your symptoms seem severe, or the area is particularly uncomfortable, the infected area may be inflamed. It may be hard to resist scratching, but this will only make things worse!

A dual-acting treatment that fights the infection and soothes the inflammation may be needed.

1. The Mayo Clinic.Jock Itch [Internet].2016 [updated 2016 Jul 26; cited 2017 Mar 8]. Available from:

Tips & Prevention

Tips to treat and help prevent Jock Itch

Jock Itch can be very irritating and somewhat embarrassing, especially if you get the urge to scratch when you’re out in public!

Resolve Jock-Itch Cream is specially designed to fight the infection and relieve the symptoms once your health professional has confirmed that your symptoms are a result of Jock Itch.

There are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of getting Jock Itch. The most important is to try and keep your groin area as dry as possible – use a clean towel after bathing and then apply talcum powder to prevent excess moisture.1

Also make sure you wear clean, correct-fitting underwear that is not too tight, especially in hot or humid weather. Boxer shorts are generally better than briefs.1

1. The Mayo Clinic.Jock Itch [Internet].2016 [updated 2016 Jul 26; cited 2017 Mar 8]. Available from:


Resolve Jock-Itch Cream

Resolve Jock-Itch Cream not only fights the fungal infection that causes Jock Itch, it also helps protect the skin from further irritation due to moisture and chafing.

It has a water-resistant, protective cream base and it also contains moisturisers, which help the skin to heal.

How to use Resolve Jock-Itch Cream

  1. Clean and dry the affected area thoroughly before applying Resolve Jock-Itch Cream.
  2. Apply the cream to the affected skin and surrounding area twice a day.
  3. Once the symptoms have disappeared, keep using Resolve Jock-Itch Cream for a further 2 weeks to avoid recurrence.


Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.

Inflamed Treatment

Resolve Plus

If your Jock Itch is inflamed, ask your pharmacist about Resolve Plus.
It contains an effective antifungal (miconazole nitrate 2%) agent as well as a calming anti-inflammatory agent, so it fights the infection and soothes the inflammation.

How to use Resolve Plus 1.0

  1. Clean and dry the affected area thoroughly.
  2. Gently apply Resolve Plus 1.0 to the affected skin and surrounding area twice a day until the inflammation subsides.
  3. Continue with an antifungal agent such as Resolve Jock-Itch Cream for a further 14 days to avoid the problem recurring.
Your healthcare professional’s advice is required. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional. Do not use Resolve Plus 1.0 on children under 2 years unless instructed by a healthcare professional.

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